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Tips for Engaging your Fans this festive season

After a long and difficult year (for obvious reasons), the holiday season is finally here. Families are going to celebrate together and the spirit of giving is going to be in the air. As a lot of laughter and gifts are exchanged, this year a few family traditions might be broken. Sports has been a huge part of the holiday season. Games on boxing day are a tradition across continents but this year as most matches are still played behind closed doors, clubs and the players are still going to be far away from their beloved fans.

But the clubs can actually use this festive season to create a really special bond with their fans and engage with them like never before. Here are 5 tips for clubs to improve their fan engagement in this festive season.

1. Christmas themed Games and Quizzes You can create fun Christmas themed Quizzes and Games for your fans which can be designed in a way to get more data from your fans about their behaviour like which players they like, what team merchandises do they like, how and how often they watch the matches etc. Also, you can plug your sponsors within various games and help them with more visibility and activation. And all this data can be measured and analysed to trigger more ads to your particular fans.

2. Fan Selfie & Fan Moment Contests You can create contests where you ask your fans to send their festive selfies, or share their favourite fan moments with the club and reward the best ones. This enables you with huge amounts of fan-generated content which you can then use at your own will. Nothing sells better than fan-generated content and also helps you connect more with your fanbase.

3. Dream Team and Wishlist Polls You can create various polls about favourite players, the all-time dream team, and even about merchandise and goodies, they would love to receive. These polls can generate data which can be further used to build personalised experiences for fans and even to create targeted ads to generate more sales.

4. Submit your designs Competitions for kids An activity like this needs to be done a little prior to the holiday season, where you ask all the young kids within your fanbase to design and submit their ideas for the Club's Official Christmas Card. This not only gives your fan community a family bonding activity but also helps you build a new generation of fans. Also, the data can be further used to advertise kids merchandise as well.

5. Giveaways With the Christmas spirit all you really want is gifts, and how special will it be for your fans to get gifts from their favourite club? You can do digital giveaways using activities like ‘Spin the wheel’ and create a stronger bond with your fans and increase engagement.

Our sports-based product Gamedayz gives you these and many more such features which can be used to increase your fan engagement not just in the festive season but 365 days a year. Feel free to contact us for a demo.


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